Them & Us

Americans Searching “socialism”   Literally, Americans are searching for the meaning of socialism. In a year marked by the beginning of the economic crisis in the US, the online edition of the Merrian-Webster dictionary announced that the Word of the Year 2008 was … bailout. Many of the other words in the list of the […]

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Ideologies of Abstinence

With the National Government debating the merits of the “Emission Trading Scheme”, we reproduce an extract by Mauro Vanetti’s in which petit-bourgeois environmentalism is exposed as an non-viable response to global warming – green "ideologies of abstinence" simply play in to the hands of the ruling class. What is required is a genuine Marxist programme […]

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From Social Security to Charity

On July 20th, 2009, the Business Roundtable put forward its ideas about social security. Their programme was radical to say the least. In a nutshell, their proposal is to delegate the provision of welfare to organisations such as churches, iwi and other non-government organisations.  

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