New Zealand Perspectives 2010

New Zealand Perspectives 2010 should be read in conjunction with previous years’ perspectives documents (New Zealand Perspectives 2008 & 2009) as they are a continuation from them. In addition these perspectives should be read in conjunction with the latest World Perspectives analysis and associated material from the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) and Socialist Appeal NZ.

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No to Hikes in GST

Technically it can be argued that the recession is over in New Zealand.  However, for the vast majority of workers this simply isn’t the case.  Unemployment is still rocketing up with another 13% claiming the dole in December2009.  Youth unemployment is very high indeed.  The government’s lack lustre response is to allow a whole generation […]

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Marxist Education

Socialist Appeal is pleased to re-print this document as it is an invaluable introduction into Marxism.  A "must" read for all workers and youth.   The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism by V.I. Lenin

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Maritime Union Fight Outsourcing

The Maritime Union of New Zealand says outsourcing at Ports of Auckland cannot replace a skilled in-house workforce. Maritime Union Auckland Branch Local 13 President Garry Parsloe says any moves to contract out work by port management would meet strong resistance.  

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Us &Them

What Bankers! What do you give a failed Wall Street bankers that have been bailed out by the tax payer? If you think the sack then think again. According to The BBC Wall Street bankers bonuses for 2009 have gone up a whopping 17% or US$ 20.3 billion. Just mention this to your boss when […]

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