A Tale of Two Protests

Just over two thousand workers took part in a protest rally in Civic Square in Wellington on August 21st, 2010, against the 90 day “Hire and Fire at Will” law and other changes, such as the hike in GST and ACC levies, which have been imposed upon working people by the current National-led government.

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Canterbury Earthquake

The recent magnitude 7.1 earthquake and the numerous aftershocks in Christchurch and the surrounding area are a reminder to us all that we live on the ‘Shaky Islands’. Socialist Appeal send our sympathies to all those effected by the earthquake and especially those that face uncertainty over their housing provisions and jobs.

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Labour: Socialist Policies Needed

We are constantly being told that there is one year to go to the Rugby World Cup.    What is not being stated that often is that it is also one year to go to the next general election, with the National Party still riding high in the polls! This will be the last Labour conference […]

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