Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petrotrade workers

Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petrotrade workers Written by Petrotrade workers Tuesday, 15th February 2011 An example of the militancy of the Egyptian workers is this statement issued by the higher coordination committee of the Petrotrade workers, calling on workers at the company for an open ended strike until their demands are met. […]

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Tunisia: one month from the overthrow of Ben Ali

Written by Jorge Martín Monday, 14 February 2011 Today marks one month since the revolutionary overthrow of the hated dictator Ben Ali in Tunisia on January 14th. The last month has been a constant struggle between the ruling class which wants to return to bourgeois normality and workers and youth who carried out the revolution […]

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Mubarak has fallen! – Revolution until Victory!

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 11th February 2011 The tyrant has fallen! As I write these lines, Hosni Mubarak has resigned. This is a great victory, not just for the people of Egypt, but for the workers of the entire world. After 18 days of continuous revolutionary mobilizations, with 300 dead and thousands injured, Hosni […]

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Egyptian workers take the lead

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 9th February 2011 There are situations in which mass demonstrations are sufficient to bring about the fall of a regime. But Egypt is not one of them. All the efforts of the masses to bring about the overthrow of Mubarak through demonstrations and street protests have so far failed to […]

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1951 Waterfront Lockout – 60th Anniversary

Sixty years ago, on 14th February 1951, the New Zealand Waterside Workers Union implemented an overtime ban in support of their wage claim against the cartel of British shipping companies who controlled the most of New Zealand’s wharves.  An overtime ban was considered the most appropriate form of industrial action because, although in theory the […]

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