Commo Bill – Peoples Poet Book Review

Commo Bill – Peoples Poet Book Review

Commo Bill ‘The Peoples Poet’ Author Pauline O’Reilly Leverton ISBN 978-0-473-16854-4   William Daniel O’Reilly member of the Communist Party of New Zealand (CPNZ) 1929-‘59, militant member and official of the National Unemployed Worker’s Movement (NUWM)is the subject of this meticulous biography undertaken over a ten year period by his daughter Pauline Leverton.  

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At this time of crisis with many workers and youith facing an uncertain future, there has never been a more important time for the voice of Marxism to be heard. This is the task of Socialist Appeal. Through our magazine, our website, our pamphlets and leaflets, our meetings and so on, we aim to provide […]

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