Historical Materialism

By Rufus Tyler Historical materialism is one of the three core tenets of Marxism. The other two are dialectical materialism and Marxist economics. Historical materialism is the idea that the processes underlying historical events can be analysed and studied in a methodical manner, in order to better understand current events as they unfold. Whig history […]

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Why We Need A Communist International

Why we need a communist international Alan Woods 05 April 2024 In June, the International Marxist Tendency will be launching a new Revolutionary Communist International, to boldly bear the clean banner of communism on every continent. In this article, Alan Woods explains the historic importance of this step, tracing the rise and fall of previous Internationals […]

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The economic strangulation of the Palestinian people

While all the main leaders of the imperialist powers, from Biden to Scholz, Macron and many others, have been shedding crocodile tears about the “excessive civilian death toll” in Gaza, in practice they have all been collaborating with the Israeli government. Not only with military aid but also in strangling the Palestinian people economically and […]

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Thousands march in Auckland to protest attacks on Gaza

On Saturday 21 October, over 5000 people marched through downtown Auckland to protest the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by the reactionary right-wing Israeli government, backed by Western imperialism.  It was substantially larger than the first protest on Saturday 14 October where around 1000 people turned up.  For over a week the Israeli military has […]

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Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

The following statement by the International Marxist Tendency declares our solidarity with the Palestinian people. It answers the disgusting hypocrisy of western imperialism and its lackeys, who are rallying behind the reactionary Israeli state as it unleashes bloody vengeance on Gaza, following Hamas’ surprise attack on 7 October. We moreover explain why freedom for Palestine […]

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NZ Perspectives: 2023 and beyond

2023 is an election year in New Zealand. Opinion polls put Labour and National within five points of each other until the most recent polls in September 2023 in which Labour slumped below 30%. While support for National has remained steady they have not been the main beneficiaries of Labour’s slump in the polls.  Rather, […]

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Privacy Policy

Under the Privacy Act 2020 we are required to inform you about the information we collect from you and how we use it. We collect personal information from you, including information about your: name contact information interactions with us billing or purchase information We collect your personal information in order to: ensure you get information […]

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Are you a Communist? Then get organised!

In Autumn 2022, the Fraser Institute ran a survey that asked respondents in the United States, the  United Kingdom, Canada and Australia about what sort of economic system they would prefer: capitalism or socialism? Among 18–34 year olds there was a clear preference for socialism in all countries. A significant minority even agreed with the […]

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