Historical Materialism

By Rufus Tyler Historical materialism is one of the three core tenets of Marxism. The other two are dialectical materialism and Marxist economics. Historical materialism is the idea that the processes underlying historical events can be analysed and studied in a methodical manner, in order to better understand current events as they unfold. Whig history […]

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Why We Need A Communist International

Why we need a communist international Alan Woods 05 April 2024 In June, the International Marxist Tendency will be launching a new Revolutionary Communist International, to boldly bear the clean banner of communism on every continent. In this article, Alan Woods explains the historic importance of this step, tracing the rise and fall of previous Internationals […]

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The economic strangulation of the Palestinian people

While all the main leaders of the imperialist powers, from Biden to Scholz, Macron and many others, have been shedding crocodile tears about the “excessive civilian death toll” in Gaza, in practice they have all been collaborating with the Israeli government. Not only with military aid but also in strangling the Palestinian people economically and […]

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Thousands march in Auckland to protest attacks on Gaza

On Saturday 21 October, over 5000 people marched through downtown Auckland to protest the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by the reactionary right-wing Israeli government, backed by Western imperialism.  It was substantially larger than the first protest on Saturday 14 October where around 1000 people turned up.  For over a week the Israeli military has […]

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Down with hypocrisy! Defend Gaza! – IMT statement

The following statement by the International Marxist Tendency declares our solidarity with the Palestinian people. It answers the disgusting hypocrisy of western imperialism and its lackeys, who are rallying behind the reactionary Israeli state as it unleashes bloody vengeance on Gaza, following Hamas’ surprise attack on 7 October. We moreover explain why freedom for Palestine […]

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NZ Perspectives: 2023 and beyond

2023 is an election year in New Zealand. Opinion polls put Labour and National within five points of each other until the most recent polls in September 2023 in which Labour slumped below 30%. While support for National has remained steady they have not been the main beneficiaries of Labour’s slump in the polls.  Rather, […]

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Are you a Communist? Then get organised!

In Autumn 2022, the Fraser Institute ran a survey that asked respondents in the United States, the  United Kingdom, Canada and Australia about what sort of economic system they would prefer: capitalism or socialism? Among 18–34 year olds there was a clear preference for socialism in all countries. A significant minority even agreed with the […]

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Reflections on the 9/11 attacks

On Tuesday September 11, 2001 the world was changed forever by the most devastating terrorist attack in history. 2,996 people (including the 19 terrorists) were killed and many more injured after two planes crashed into the World Trade Centre towers in the heart of New York’s financial district. Just 18 minutes after the first explosion […]

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By Miles Lacey   Above: Taliban Insurgents enter Kabul, Afghanistan (Source: The Guardian) On August 15th, 2021, Kabul fell to the Taliban insurgents the United States and their Western imperialist allies had been fighting against since November 2001. The spectacle of thousands of Afghan people and Western civilian and military personnel trying to frantically board […]

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By the Socialist Appeal Editorial Board   For most of the post-war period the Pacific region was treated like a United States lake. As the colonial territories of Australia, France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States became independent between 1962 and 1994 they tended to side with the Western powers, with the […]

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 United States soldiers with prisoners in Grenada: 1983.  Source:  www.thoughtco.com  By Rufus Tyler “There was a rebel village five clicks down the road. Word came down from top brass: make it disappear. We…we didn’t know any better. We were…we were kids. I watched myself pick up the flamethrower…I just…went…off.” – SNL Introduction to Puppetry skit, […]

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  Flooding in Brazil 2020.  Source: CGTN   By Rufus Tyler   “State of the environment and the Socialist versus the Capitalist response to It”.   This article will discuss the extent of the problem by covering two main points:(a) Anthropogenic (man-made) climate change and its adverse effects and (b) the effect of global warming […]

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  Soviet tanks roll into Prague in Czechoslovakia on August 21st, 1968. Copyright: www.historytoday.com   By Rufus Tyler   1968 was a turbulent year for the bourgeois. There was widespread discontent in France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, Pakistan, and widespread anti-war protests in the English-speaking countries. 1968 marked the high tide of capitalism, there had been […]

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    By Rufus Tyler   Portugal is a small country in Southwestern Europe with about 10.8 million people (2017 estimate) the median age is 42.2. It’s about a third the size of New Zealand. It borders Spain and the Atlantic Ocean. Since joining the then European Community in 1986 the economy has become increasingly […]

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By Rufus Tyler   In September 1970 Salvador Allende was elected into government at the head of a left-wing coalition, the Unidad Popular (UP). Even though the coalition was reformist, the bourgeoisie still feared the revolutionary potential of the UP government:

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By Rufus Tyler   “Materialism” as a philosophical notion means that all things in the universe are made of the same thing – matter. There’s no heaven or hell, no ghosts or spirits. Materialism is a version of monism   Matter is not a social construct, it exists independent of human ideas and thought. This […]

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by Miles Lacey In New Zealand there is a phrase that is commonly used in all walks of life: “She’ll be right”.  Until recently the term generally had positive connotations, reflecting our laid back attitude to life.  In more recent times the term has become increasingly negative as it often refers to a complacent attitude […]

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Article by Rufus Tyler The Covid-19 virus most likely originated from the wet markets of Wuhan, China. It is certainly not a manufactured disease as proposed by former United States President Donald Trump – who claimed that it came from a Chinese lab – and it wasn’t spread deliberately by American military personnel during the […]

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    Prior to the European settlement of New Zealand, most Maori lived in small villages where the very notion of ownership was unheard of.  Housing was usually allocated according to the position held by a person, or more commonly, a family within the community.  The houses were usually made of whatever materials were available, […]

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Article by Sione Ma’u    After the formation of the Labour-led coalition government in 2017, there were hopes that the housing crisis was going to be tackled. Labour promised a mass house-building programme called “Kiwibuild” that would build 100,000 new houses over a decade. The Government would play an active role in driving this programme […]

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New Zealand: Covid-19 Response

  Image:Pixaibay “Events on a world scale are moving at breakneck speed. The new coronavirus (COVID-19) has set in motion a chain reaction, which is upending any semblance of stability in one country after another. All of the contradictions of the capitalist system are coming crashing to the surface.” Hamid Alizadeh, Coronavirus pandemic opens a […]

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Enrol in Marxist University!

    In Defence of Marxism is proud to announce the launch of Marxist University: the ultimate source of Marxist theory and analysis on a range of topics – from dialectical materialism to the national question, from women’s oppression to the role of the state. There is no better way to spend this period of […]

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Why Labour must learn from the past

The General Election is now set for Saturday 19 September 2020. The Labour Party was elected in 2017 using the slogan “Let’s do this” but they won’t be able to use “We’ve done that” this time. This is an issue that must be addressed.  The Labour-led coalition government which took office after nine years of […]

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Coronavirus outbreak threatens world economy

  The latest outbreak of coronavirus has caused the biggest wave of stock market losses since 2008, wiping $5tn off share values worldwide. Markets are worried that the virus will have a serious impact on an already weak world economy. These fears are not unfounded. The new coronavirus epidemic is having important implications for the […]

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Britain after the election defeat

“The idea that all Britain’s Labour party needs to do to win is offer true socialism has been tested to destruction.” (Financial Times)  News of the British election result was greeted by jubilation on the stock markets of the world. The pound sterling soared, and Donald J Trump tweeted: “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his […]

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Marxism vs Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

  MMT has created a buzz on the left recently, with its supporters citing it as an answer to all our economic woes. Instead of trendy new ideas, however, we need the clear, scientific analysis of capitalism that Marxism provides – Adam Booth writes.   “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from […]

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On Marxism and the State

With the increase in strikes in New Zealand we republish this article on the State by the late Phil Mitchinson.   Standing between the working class and the socialist transformation of society is a colossal state machine. Where did it come from? What purpose does it serve? can it be reformed, or must it be […]

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Auckland Rail Maintenance Workers Locked Out. Support RMTU 13% Pay Rise Claim

The maintenance workers responsible for safety checks on Auckland Transport passenger trains have been locked out for thirty days, from the 13 May, following industrial action. The dispute came about because of the difference in pay between the workers – contracted by spanish multinational CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliares de Ferrocarriles) – and Kiwirail workers. The […]

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Labour led coalition must break with big business

(Article reprinted from Socialist Appeal newspaper Autumn 2019.  To buy a copy send us an email for further details) With the Labour Party riding high in the polls at approximately 45%, and the National Party leadership in meltdown and beginning to fall in the polls, Labour voters have (quite rightly) high expectations of the Labour […]

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Christchurch massacre – far-right terrorism and the growing barbarism of capitalist society

The barbaric attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand by a far-right fascist terrorist – indiscriminately shooting men, women and children, killing 50 and injuring many more, live streaming his bloody actions as he carried them out – comes at a time of deepening economic crisis and heightened social and political tensions around the […]

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A socialist response to the Christchurch terrorist attack

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden called it one of New Zealand’s darkest days.  As Muslim worshippers gathered at the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand, for their Friday afternoon prayers on March 15th, 2019, an Australian white supramacist walked in and gunned down 50 worshippers as he live-streamed […]

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New Zealand and Australian perspectives

  Both Australia and New Zealand escaped lightly from the 2008 global financial crisis and recession. Australia avoided a recession from 2008 onwards, on the one hand due to the minerals and aggregates boom (exported mainly to China) and on the other hand as a consequence of Keynesian policies pursued both in Australia and China. Additionally, […]

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Workers must be paid for work related activities

On May 11th, 2018, the Employment Relations Court dropped a major bombshell on the bosses by ordering Smiths City, a major New Zealand furniture and appliance store, to pay workers for their attendance of daily meetings held before the stores opened.  According to Chief Judge Christina Inglis: “The expectation to attend, and pressure placed on staff […]

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[Video]: The February Revolution of 1917

To commemorate the centenary of the Russian Revolution, Alan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism, provides a timeline analysis of 1917. To begin this series, Alan examines the events of the February Revolution, when the masses entered onto the scene of history to overthrow the hated Tsarist monarchy. In the space of days, a […]

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The February Revolution of 1917

The First World War was becoming a catastrophe for Russia. From the front line there was news of defeat after defeat. The breakdown of the economy produced a shortage of bread. Crowds of half-starved and desperate women queued outside shops for bread that never arrived. But at the top of Russian society things were very […]

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Universal basic income

                                With the New Zealand Labour Party policy moving toward introducing an Universal basic income we reproduce this UK article for our readers. Universal basic income (or UBI), an unconditional payment to all citizens, has become part of the economic zeitgeist in recent times, embraced by advocates on both the Left and the Right as a […]

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In Defence of the Russian Revolution

      One hundred years ago the Russian Revolution shook the capitalist world order to its foundations. Here for the first time ever, the Russian workers, led by Lenin and the Bolshevik party, took power into their own hands. The ruling classes have never forgiven this.

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 John Key resigns

John Key resigns

John Key has announced that he his standing down as Prime Minister on 12th December. This has sent shock waves through the National Party. He stated family reasons and getting out whilst he is ahead. These reasons are flimsy ones and bears no serious scrutiny.  

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America’s Brexit: To Fight Trump, Fight Capitalism!

Thus ends the “School of the Democrats.” What once seemed unthinkable—akin to an episode of the Twilight Zone—has become a surreal reality. As Hillary’s “blue wall” of “secure” states came tumbling down, tipping irreversibly in The Donald’s favour, the media pundits tried to maintain their composure, but they were clearly shellshocked—along with millions of others. […]

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Election 2016: America’s Most Unwanted

The champions of the free market never miss an opportunity to extol its virtues: peace, prosperity, efficiency, integrity, a wide range of freedoms, and let’s not forget: lots and lots of choices. If you work hard and play by the rules, you too can get ahead. However, far from the myth peddled by the free […]

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New Zealand Perspectives 2016

This perspectives document should be viewed as an addendum to the 2015 document. As the general processes outlined in the previous document are apparent in the present situation.   The New Zealand economy is still showing signs of weak growth of about 3% GDP per year in 2015. As previously explained the majority of the […]

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The Panama Papers and the corruption of capitalism

                                    Almost everyone is involved from across the Establishment, the rich and the ruling class: current and former heads of state; business magnates; and celebrities. In the biggest data leak in history it has been revealed how the global elite make use of 200,000 shell companies created by the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca to secure their money […]

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An introduction to historical materialism – part two

The whole of human history consists precisely in the struggle of humankind to raise itself above the animal level. This long struggle began seven million years ago, when our remote humanoid ancestors first stood upright and were able to free their hands for manual labour. Ever since then, successive phases of social development have arisen […]

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Syria: Erdogan’s manoeuvre backfires

  As we have stated previously, the downing of a Russian jet in Syria by the Turkish military was clearly a provocation on the part of the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His aim was to stop an alliance being formed between Russia and the West in Syria. He has achieved the opposite with Turkey […]

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The Turkish provocation: Will it lead to War?

 The Turkish military have recently shot down a Russian military aircraft on the border with Syria. It is unclear so far whether it was ground fire or Turkish jets that brought down the Russian plane. But that is a mere detail. What is quite clear is that this was a blatant provocation by the Turkish […]

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The Paris Massacre: Dynamite in the foundations

  Last Friday, Paris was the scene of mass slaughter in which at least one hundred and twenty-nine people, mostly young kids enjoying themselves in cafes and a rock concert, were shot down in cold blood. The killers, shouting Allahu Akbar, discharged magazine after magazine, calmly reloading before killing more defenceless people as they lay […]

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The Paris Massacre: Dynamite in the foundations

  Last Friday, Paris was the scene of mass slaughter in which at least one hundred and twenty-nine people, mostly young kids enjoying themselves in cafes and a rock concert, were shot down in cold blood. The killers, shouting Allahu Akbar, discharged magazine after magazine, calmly reloading before killing more defenceless people as they lay […]

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Danger: World Slump Ahead

The International Monetary Fund has been forced, not only to repeatedly downgrade its growth forecasts, but to now predict a fall in World GDP in dollar terms, the first since 2009. This is a reflection of the crisis-ridden world we are in.   The IMF economists have been repeatedly forced to eat their words as […]

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Support the Marxists of Syriza!

Support the Marxists of Syriza! A new explosive period is opening up in Greece where the ideas of Marxism will be more necessary than ever before. This means that support for the Communist Tendency of Syriza will be crucial. Our tendency is the only one inside SYRIZA that is funded exclusively by our own members […]

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New Zealand Perspectives 2015

New Zealand’s economic situation is changing for the worse, as the general crisis of world capitalism is unravelling and China’s growth is slowing down affecting the whole of the Pacific and Austrialia in particular. Austerity policies are being carried out by the National Party-led government, undermining the political support for the right wing and creating […]

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Refugees welcome: make the bosses pay!

  The current refugee crisis has brought out some of the horrors of capitalist society, as well as the contrast between the basic human solidarity of ordinary working people and the cold calculation and callousness of capitalist rulers in Europe and elsewhere.        

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 Dirty Politics and the 2014 Election

Dirty Politics and the 2014 Election

Dirty politics. It’s the name of a book by investigative journalist Nicky Hager. In it he claims that government ministers, including Judith Collins, passed on intelligence and other private communications about certain individuals to the controversial right-wing blogger Cameron Slater, known by his blog name Whaleoil. The book has highlighted a lot of the dirty […]

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Civil war and black reaction in Iraq: a Frankenstein’s monster of imperialism raises its head

  On Tuesday, the Islamisc fundamentalist group ISIS captured Mosul, one of the key cities in Northern Iraq and then proceeded South towards Baghdad, capturing several important cities on the way. Hundreds of thousands have already fled fearing their lives under the rule of this reactionary group. This spectre of barbarism rising on the horizon, […]

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Imperialism and the New Free Trade Deals

  The epoch of world growth fueled by globalisation is over. Two giant free trade deals are being thrashed out which would place the United States at the centre of its own strategically drawn up domain, stretching from both sides of the pacific to Eastern Europe. But far from being a means to open up […]

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New Zealand Perspectives 2014

This perspectives document is a Marxist analysis of New Zealand. Such an analysis provides Marxists with a guide to the developing situation of the country. This perspective document is not intended to be a blueprint of future events which is beyond the scope of scientific socialism and nor is it our intention to present it […]

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Ukrainian crisis spiralling out of control

  Ukrainian president Oleksandr Turchynov declared yesterday in a live televised address that a full-scale operation involving the army will be launched to regain control over Eastern Ukraine. Whether it is a bluff or a real threat, which the Ukrainian government has the will and means to enforce, is yet to be seen. But today, […]

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Where is Ukraine going?

The dramatic events in Ukraine have led to the fall of Yanukovych. But in reality this is not the end of the drama but only the possible end of its second act. In the moment of truth nobody was prepared to risk their lives to defend a regime that had completely rotted from the inside […]

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2014 and the ghosts of 1914

  As the New Year dawns, memories are reawakening of another New Year, exactly a century ago, the dawn of 1914 when millions of people were drifting towards the abyss as if in a dream. On that New Year’s Day few people imagined what lay in store. One hundred years had passed since the Battle […]

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1913 – Year of Revolution

  This year sees the centenary of one of the major strikes in New Zealand. It lives on in the memory of the Labour movement along with the years 1890 (Maritime), 1906 (tram workers), 1908 (Blackball miners) and 1912 (Waihi miners).  Already planned are commemorative walks to the most important sites of the dispute in Wellington […]

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Haunting inequality worldwide

Despite the international corporate media’s relentless propaganda, the gap between the haves and have nots is continuously increasing on a global scale. In spite of what they would like us to believe, what we have before us is a transfer of wealth from the poorer countries to the richer on a scale never seen before […]

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Genetically-modified food: For human need or corporate greed?

The development of genetically-modified organisms (GMO) has opened up whole new possibilities for improving the nutrition of humanity. For the first time, humans are able to genetically engineer species or organisms by transferring DNA between totally different organisms, potentially allowing for food to be grown in harsher climates, for example, or for existing crops to […]

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USA: Ruling Class Divisions Deepen

The worldwide crisis of capitalism is leading to a deep questioning of the structures, institutions, politicians, and parties of bourgeois society. From Greece to Italy, Brazil to Turkey, Egypt to Iran, the consciousness of the masses is undergoing a profound transformation. This is not a linear process, and is not automatically and directly reflected in […]

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The Syrian Tragedy and the Imperialist Farce

The spontaneous uprising of the Syrian masses, inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, has degenerated into a sectarian bloodbath. Deprived of a revolutionary leadership, the hopeful beginnings have been transformed into a tragedy. On the other hand, US imperialism’s hypocritical and bellicose zig-zags are a complete and utter farce, and graphically illustrate the limits […]

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Technology, innovation, growth, and capitalism

The Marxist analysis of history – that is, the dialectical and materialist analysis of history – explains that the main motor force in history is the need for society to develop the productive forces: to increase our knowledge of and mastery over nature; to reduce the socially necessary labour time needed to produce and reproduce […]

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Syria – No to imperialist aggression!

The war drums in Washington are beating their macabre tune out loud, announcing an imminent US attack on Syria. In the UK, the faithful squire, Cameron, is willingly echoing the call. Parliament is expected to back the military option in an emergency meeting convened for Thursday, August 29th. Direct imperialist intervention marks a fundamental change […]

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Shearer Resigns: A New Beginning?

  The resignation of David Shearer as Labour Party leader came as no surprise to many labour and trade union activists. David Shearer may have been portrayed as an action man of the United Nations, but he certainly wasn’t when it came to the Labour Party. The Labour Party has been languishing in the low […]

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Ted Grant: the unbroken thread of Marxism

Today, 9th July, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ted Grant, the founder of the International Marxist Tendency. Rob Sewell, editor of the British Marxist paper Socialist Appeal, outlines the important role played by Ted in building the forces of Marxism during his lifetime and discusses the legacy of Ted for Marxists today. […]

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Power to the people?

The recent announcement from Labour and the Greens with regard to setting up a single national buyer for wholesale electricity to curb the excessive profits of the power generators, (who by the end of the current round of partial-privatisations will overwhelmingly be in the private sector), was certainly a shot across the bows of the […]

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The definition of marriage

On April 17th, 2013, marriage between persons of the same gender became lawful in New Zealand after parliament voted 77 to 44 in favour of the passing of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act.  This law passed with widespread support from the New Zealand public with most opinion polls showing up to 70% of those […]

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Will pensioners really need to house-share?

The Westpac television advert showing the house-sharing pensioners arguing about their food and chores may not be so funny in a few years’ time. The Government has concluded that it can no longer afford a decent standard of living for pensioners. The problem is that there will be too many of them – as people […]

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New Zealand perspectives 2013

This perspectives document is a Marxist analysis of New Zealand.  Such an analysis provides Marxists with a guide to the developing situation of the country.  This perspective document is not intended to be a blueprint of future events which is beyond the scope of scientific socialism and nor is it our intention to present it […]

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Christchurch earthquake and the rebuild

I begin this article on the Christchurch earthquakes and the rebuild by discussing a very different disaster that took place five years earlier in New Orleans. In 2005 New Orleans was severely damaged by Hurricane Katrena and over five thousand people died primarily as the result of the failure of the levees that were supposed […]

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Perspectives for the European Revolution – Part one

At its recent meeting in January the International Executive Committee of the IMT discussed the situation in Europe, highlighting the growing level of class struggle on the continent as the effects of the austerity measures being applied everywhere begin to be felt by the workers and youth. We are publishing a slightly edited version of […]

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The Household Labour Force Survey, which is the official measurement of unemployment in New Zealand, reveals that the unemployment rate is 7.3% of the work force (or approximately 299,000 people).  Yet, the numbers of people on the unemployment benefit are around the 50,000 mark according to the Ministry of Social Development. 

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Marxism and the Media – Part 2

As with the sites of production of other commodities, the sites of media production are simultaneously sites of struggle. Journalists and other media workers can and must struggle against the domination of capital over their professions and over humankind.

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Marxism and the Media: Part 1

Perhaps nothing elicits more disagreement and debate among Marxists and other left activists than a discussion about the media. There is no doubt that the mass media is omnipresent, mediating every aspect of our lives. How one relates to and interprets the world is largely coloured by how the media informs us. The disconnect between […]

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Indonesia: One million on strike

Amazing! There is no other word that can describe the situation on October 3. Workers all over Indonesia went on strike and took to the streets. This first national general strike in half a century truly raises expectations and hopes that it will be a turning point for the Indonesian labour movement.

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No to Privatisation: Oppose State Asset Sales

The National-led government has passed the legislation by one vote in parliament to part-privatise 4 state owned energy companies. This is a highly unpopular policy with the public with all polls showing 70% or more members of the public opposing the sales. Such opposition is not surprising as New Zealanders have learned through the bitter […]

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Marxism and Gay Rights

Since ancient times, homosexuality has been documented amongst humans. Despite this, there is considerable debate, even amongst Marxists, as to whether homosexuality is a lifestyle choice or the product of genetics or a combination of both. While many Marxist groups have come out in favour of supporting gay rights, Stalinists condemned homosexuality for decades as […]

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Global Warming: A Marxist Perspective

Just five years ago, not a day would go by without global warming making the headlines. The American politician Al Gore’s documentary film about climate change, An Inconvenient Truth, was seen by hundreds of thousands in cinemas across the world. The National Party re-branded themselves as the champions of the environment, nailing their ecological colours […]

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Egypt: How do we fight the counter-revolution

The Egyptian revolution has taken a new turn in the last few days. The ruling Military Council (SCAF) has launched a number of very serious attacks on the revolution. The military police can now arrest civilians at will and parliament has been dissolved. The generals have also announced additions to the Constitutional Declaration of March […]

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Euro Crisis Deepens

A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of capitalist crisis. Events are moving at lightning speed. This slow-motion train wreck has suddenly speeded up. Each day we come closer to a Greek default and its exit from the euro. Squeezed by foreign bankers, demanding their pound of flesh, ordinary Greek people are being pushed […]

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Australia: Which Way Forward for Labor?

  The Australian Labor Party, according to current opinion polling, is facing a crushing defeat at the ballot box come the next Federal election. With a primary vote of only 27%, Labor’s looming annihilation could be on par with or worse than the recent historic defeats suffered in NSW [New South Wales] and Queensland.

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 New Zealand Perspectives 2012

New Zealand Perspectives 2012

The dramatic events that have been witnessed on the world stage; whether it be the marvellous beginnings of the Arab revolution, the upswing in the class struggle in Europe due to the euro crisis or the re-awakening of the class struggle in the United States have been seen by most New Zealanders, until recently, as […]

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Splits in the Chinese ruling class

"For a revolution to take place it is not enough for the exploited and oppressed masses to realise the impossibility of living in the old way, and demand changes; for a revolution to take place it is essential that the exploiters should not be able to live and rule in the old way. It is […]

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Kapiti Coast District Council : When Wages Go Bad!

CEO 18.2% Pay Rise Council Workers 1.2% Pay Rise On February 7th, 2012, about 300 protesters marched to the Kapiti Coast emergency management building after it was revealed last week that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Kapiti Coast District Council Patrick Doherty was given a $44,000 increase in his salary.  This generated a […]

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Affco Meat Workers Locked Out

Affco, which is owned by the wealthy Talley family, have announced they have locked out union members at their Affco freezing works after they encountered resistance to new provisions to their collective contracts from the Meat Workers’ Union who object to the pay and working conditions being put forward by Affco management.

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No to Austerity: Defend Union Rights

With the re-election of a National led government we will most likely  see the bosses go on the offensive to further undermine workers pay and conditions, and beneficiaries entitlements .  Already the National led government has signalled major legislative counter-reforms against workers, which are aimed at weakening collective bargaining and the unions ability to operate […]

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USA: Wall Street rocked by anti-capitalist protests – time to build a labor party!

Earlier this month Wall Street was rocked by a mass demonstration of over 15,000 people protesting against “corporate greed.” The crowd jammed the square and stretched for blocks along Broadway. This unprecedented protest was a manifestation of the mood of anger, bitterness and frustration that has been accumulating for years in American society, which had […]

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How capitalism developed in Taiwan and South Korea – any parallels with China today? Part One

The crisis that has shaken the world economy since 2008 has pushed bourgeois ideologists to desperately seek a solution. They are looking for alternative ways of running their system, seeking to square the circle and maintain capitalism without its inevitable contradictions. As Asia, and China in particular, is doing so well, there is a burgeoning […]

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Another day, another crisis

Events are moving at lightening speed. Stock markets are in freefall around the world. Some days bring temporary relief only to be followed by greater convulsions. The whole situation is reminiscent of 2008, or more correctly the 1930s

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Defend Kiwirail Jobs

Kiwirail bosses decision to make 70 workers redundant from a workforce of 172 at its Dunedin and Lower Hutt workshops brings into question the state owned enterprise (SOE) model for nationlised industries that allows the market to dictate it business decisions.

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Budget Protest

May 19th, 2011, was a day of protest against the planned cuts that were expected to be announced in the Budget that afternoon. It had been organised by the Council of Trade Unions and the Labour Party.

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Labour Party Conference 2011

The 2011 Labour Party Conference was held in Wellington from May 21st to 23rd, 2011. The primary reason behind this year’s conference was to whip the delegates and the various candidates into line for the 2011 elections due to be held in late November this year.

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Crisis of the euro – shades of the Titanic

The euro zone is heading into stormy waters. The crisis that opened with the near collapse of the world banking system in 2008 has now deepened into a crisis of insolvency of entire nations. The bourgeois has no idea of how to get out of the crisis, which is sweeping like an uncontrollable tsunami from […]

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New Zealand Perspectives 2011

Friday 22nd April 2011 New Zealand perspectives 2011 should be read in conjunction with previous years’ perspective documents as they are a continuation from them. In addition these perspectives should be read in conjunction with the latest World Perspective analysis and associated material from the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) and Socialist Appeal NZ. These perspectives […]

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May Day and proletarian internationalism

Friday, 29th April 2011   This year the workers across the planet will commemorate May Day in one of the most turbulent and traumatic periods in history. The world is ravaged by wars, terrorism, bloodshed, economic catastrophe and unprecedented poverty, misery, disease and destitution. The vast majority of the human race has been plunged into […]

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Britain: Royal wedding exposes deep class divisions

Thursday, 28th April 2011 On Friday 29th April the people of Britain will be invited to participate in the joyful celebration of the marriage of Mr. William Windsor and Ms. Katherine Middleton. At the same time that the government is cutting billions from unnecessary extravagances such as hospitals, schools, teachers, nurses, the old and the […]

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 Commo Bill – Peoples Poet Book Review

Commo Bill – Peoples Poet Book Review

Commo Bill ‘The Peoples Poet’ Author Pauline O’Reilly Leverton ISBN 978-0-473-16854-4   William Daniel O’Reilly member of the Communist Party of New Zealand (CPNZ) 1929-‘59, militant member and official of the National Unemployed Worker’s Movement (NUWM)is the subject of this meticulous biography undertaken over a ten year period by his daughter Pauline Leverton.  

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Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petrotrade workers

Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petrotrade workers Written by Petrotrade workers Tuesday, 15th February 2011 An example of the militancy of the Egyptian workers is this statement issued by the higher coordination committee of the Petrotrade workers, calling on workers at the company for an open ended strike until their demands are met. […]

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Tunisia: one month from the overthrow of Ben Ali

Written by Jorge Martín Monday, 14 February 2011 Today marks one month since the revolutionary overthrow of the hated dictator Ben Ali in Tunisia on January 14th. The last month has been a constant struggle between the ruling class which wants to return to bourgeois normality and workers and youth who carried out the revolution […]

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Mubarak has fallen! – Revolution until Victory!

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 11th February 2011 The tyrant has fallen! As I write these lines, Hosni Mubarak has resigned. This is a great victory, not just for the people of Egypt, but for the workers of the entire world. After 18 days of continuous revolutionary mobilizations, with 300 dead and thousands injured, Hosni […]

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Egyptian workers take the lead

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 9th February 2011 There are situations in which mass demonstrations are sufficient to bring about the fall of a regime. But Egypt is not one of them. All the efforts of the masses to bring about the overthrow of Mubarak through demonstrations and street protests have so far failed to […]

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1951 Waterfront Lockout – 60th Anniversary

Sixty years ago, on 14th February 1951, the New Zealand Waterside Workers Union implemented an overtime ban in support of their wage claim against the cartel of British shipping companies who controlled the most of New Zealand’s wharves.  An overtime ban was considered the most appropriate form of industrial action because, although in theory the […]

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The Battle of Tahrir Square

Written by Alan Woods Thursday, 03 February 2011 “The sky was filled with rocks. The fighting around me was so terrible we could smell the blood.” With these words Robert Fisk describes the dramatic events in Tahrir Square, where the forces of the Revolution met the counter-revolution head-on. All day and all through the night, […]

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Egypt: A Pharaoh’s Nemesis

Written by Lal Khan Thursday, 03 February 2011 One of the salient features of a revolution is that the masses conquer the fear of the state and repression. This has been graphically demonstrated on the streets of Egypt. At the same time the surge of a mass upheaval breaks the taboos in the psychology of […]

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Egypt on the brink of civil war

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 02 February 2011 The revolution in Egypt is reaching a critical point. The old state power is collapsing under the hammer blows of the masses. But revolution is a struggle of living forces. The old regime does not intend to surrender without a fight. The counter-revolutionary forces are going onto […]

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Egypt: the moment of truth

Written by Alan Woods Tuesday, 1st February 2011 The Great Pyramid of Giza has lasted for 3,800 years. Hosni Mubarak has lasted somewhat less, but he would like to survive for a little longer. The difference between his regime and the Pyramid of Khufu is that it is an inverted pyramid. All its strength is […]

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Egypt: revolution knows no frontiers

Written by Alan Woods Sunday, 30 January 2011 The popular uprising against the Hosni Mubarak government continues. On Sunday morning the sun rose over another tense day following a night of mass defiance and anti-government protests that turned the curfew into a dead letter. This fact strikingly exposes the real situation.

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Revolution in Egypt – Power is on the street

Written by Alan Woods Saturday, 29th January 2011 Day five of the revolution and the movement continues to grow in size and intensity. Last night’s curfew was ignored, and today there are more people on the streets than yesterday. A new curfew was called for four o’clock Egyptian time, but this is no more effective […]

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The Egyptian Revolution

The flames of anger are spreading through all Egypt and nothing can stop them. The fate of the Mubarak regime hangs in the balance. Today there were violent clashes on the streets of Cairo and other Egyptian cities as the struggle for power has entered into a new stage. The call went out for mass […]

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Egypt: the revolt continues

The mass demonstrations demanding the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak have continued to rage since Tuesday across several cities, including Cairo and Suez. Debkafile’s sources report that the situation in Cairo Wednesday was extremely tense after thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets and made for the Tel Talat Harb Square on the way to […]

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Egypt: the calm before the storm

A tense calm settled over Cairo after yesterday’s street demonstrations. But if there is a truce it will not last long. Last night after some 15,000 protesters decided to stage a vigil in Liberation Square in protest against police violence. News reports speak of three people killed yesterday, of which one was a policeman. The […]

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Uprising in Egypt: the revolution is spreading!

Dramatic events are unfolding in the Middle East. Today (Tuesday) Egypt was rocked by a wave of nationwide demonstrations demanding the end of the Mubarak regime, which has oppressed the people of this proud nation for nearly 30 years. This was the biggest protest movement Egypt has seen for decades. In Cairo and other cities […]

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Tunisia: “We are here to overthrow the government”

Events over the weekend have shown the strength of the revolutionary movement in Tunisia and revealed the weakness of the national unity government. The organisation of a “Liberation Caravan” marching to the capital has the potential, if combined with a mass movement of demonstrations and strikes, to bring down the government.

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Tunisia: as the ruling class manoeuvres at the top elements of dual power develop from below

Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th saw the continuation of mass demonstrations all over Tunisia against the “new” national unity government and demanding an end to the RCD ruling party. Tens of thousands marched throughout the country under the slogan “RCD degagé” (Out with the RCD), clearly identifying the national unity government as a continuation of […]

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Fairness at Work Rallies

On Wednesday 20 October 22,000 workers came together at rallies around the country to demonstrate against the Nats proposed Hire and Fire law. Rallies took place in: Tokoroa, Gisborne, Tauranga, Hamilton, Taupo, Thames, Hastings, Wellington, Blenheim, Nelson, Kaitaia, Auckland, Paeroa, Rotorua, Runanga, Reefton, Kaikohe, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Levin, Hawera, Timaru, Bluff, Whanganui, Masterton, Dunedin, […]

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Indonesia: Inspiring Book Launch Tour of Revolution Betrayed

More than ten years after the revolutionary “reformasi” movement in Indonesia, the thirst for Marxist ideas remains unquenchable. Those ideas continue to inspire left-wing student and workers activists and induce fear among the ruling classes. The fear of communism, instilled by the terror of the Suharto dictatorship, has not completely been removed but it has […]

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A Tale of Two Protests

Just over two thousand workers took part in a protest rally in Civic Square in Wellington on August 21st, 2010, against the 90 day “Hire and Fire at Will” law and other changes, such as the hike in GST and ACC levies, which have been imposed upon working people by the current National-led government.

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Canterbury Earthquake

The recent magnitude 7.1 earthquake and the numerous aftershocks in Christchurch and the surrounding area are a reminder to us all that we live on the ‘Shaky Islands’. Socialist Appeal send our sympathies to all those effected by the earthquake and especially those that face uncertainty over their housing provisions and jobs.

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Labour: Socialist Policies Needed

We are constantly being told that there is one year to go to the Rugby World Cup.    What is not being stated that often is that it is also one year to go to the next general election, with the National Party still riding high in the polls! This will be the last Labour conference […]

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National Govt Threaten to Privatise Kiwibank

The Finance Minister, Bill English, at a post budget speech to a Christchurch business meeting announced that the government is considering the part-privatisation of Kiwibank.  Bill English was no doubt euphoric from delivering a budget for his rich mates that he thought he could be more honest about the government’s intentions to sell our state […]

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Nat’s Budget Attack On Working Class

Finance Minister, Bill English, delivered the National governments second budget.  There were no real surprises as most of the content of the budget had been well signaled in the run up to the budget.  This budget was very much a class based budget- a budget for the rich – paid for by you!

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World Cup Fever Starts To Cool

After months of build up, the World Cup is finally underway. As it approaches the end of the first week, in what is a month-long bloated competition, something has become rather clear. Hype is everything.  We reproduce an article from Socialist Appeal (Britain).

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Revolution & Counter Revolution in Thailand

Bangkok is in flames as the counter-revolutionary violence in Thailand reaches a bloody climax. The long-awaited assault by the Thai army has already taken place, and will not cease until every trace of the protest has been wiped out. No-one can be sure of the number of casualties, but the final figure will certainly be […]

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Monopoly Capitalism & the Case for Socialism

(We reproduce an article from Britain relevant to the situation in NZ. To read full article go to http://www.marxist.com/monopoly-capitalism.htm) Capitalist economists constantly argue that privately run industry driven by pursuit of profit is the best way for an economy to function. But, even a cursory look at the world around us tells a very different […]

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Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster Profit to Blame

It’s been close to a month since the Deepwater Horison Oil Rig exploded and sank into the Gulf of Mexico, just 45 miles south of the already beleaguered gulf coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi. The ensuing oil spill may well surpass that which followed the wreck of the Exxon Valdez, which poured over 11 million […]

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A New Stage in the Crisis of Capitalism – Part One

After talk of the so called "credit crunch" gave way to optimistic comments about the "green shoots" in the economy, events in Greece caught the bourgeois commentators unaware. Now the world economy has once again been plunged into chaos and uncertainty as the governments of Europe try to contain the fall-out from the near-default of […]

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New Zealand Perspectives 2010

New Zealand Perspectives 2010 should be read in conjunction with previous years’ perspectives documents (New Zealand Perspectives 2008 & 2009) as they are a continuation from them. In addition these perspectives should be read in conjunction with the latest World Perspectives analysis and associated material from the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) and Socialist Appeal NZ.

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No to Hikes in GST

Technically it can be argued that the recession is over in New Zealand.  However, for the vast majority of workers this simply isn’t the case.  Unemployment is still rocketing up with another 13% claiming the dole in December2009.  Youth unemployment is very high indeed.  The government’s lack lustre response is to allow a whole generation […]

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Marxist Education

Socialist Appeal is pleased to re-print this document as it is an invaluable introduction into Marxism.  A "must" read for all workers and youth.   The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism by V.I. Lenin

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Maritime Union Fight Outsourcing

The Maritime Union of New Zealand says outsourcing at Ports of Auckland cannot replace a skilled in-house workforce. Maritime Union Auckland Branch Local 13 President Garry Parsloe says any moves to contract out work by port management would meet strong resistance.  

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Us &Them

What Bankers! What do you give a failed Wall Street bankers that have been bailed out by the tax payer? If you think the sack then think again. According to The BBC Wall Street bankers bonuses for 2009 have gone up a whopping 17% or US$ 20.3 billion. Just mention this to your boss when […]

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Socialist Appeal opposes privatisation of ACC

The proposed opening up to competition of the ACC work account ( the part paid by employers for workplace accidents) is the first step in the privatisation of the state run accident insurance scheme.  The Minister of ACC, Nick Smith, is scaremongering when he says that the ACC scheme is financially unsustainable.  Such “smoke and […]

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Labour Goes Back to “Core Values”

The recent national conference of the Labour Party – held after their recent defeat in the elections – produced some interesting controversy around the question of what Labour should do if it gets back into office. The ideas of Marxism were present in the debate.

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The Fall of the Berlin Wall: 20 Years Later

Twenty years ago as the Berlin Wall came tumbling down the bourgeoisie in the west was euphoric, rejoicing at the “fall of communism”. Twenty years later things look very different as capitalism has entered its most severe crisis since 1929. Now a majority in former East Germany votes for the left and harks back to […]

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Austerity Britain

Internationally, capitalism is emerging from its worst crisis since the 1930s. There is palpable relief in the ranks of the ruling class at avoiding a financial meltdown. However, despite heated talk of green shoots, there is a universal gloom about the current situation.

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Ideologies of Abstinence

With the National Government debating the merits of the “Emission Trading Scheme”, we reproduce an extract by Mauro Vanetti’s in which petit-bourgeois environmentalism is exposed as an non-viable response to global warming – green "ideologies of abstinence" simply play in to the hands of the ruling class. What is required is a genuine Marxist programme […]

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From Social Security to Charity

On July 20th, 2009, the Business Roundtable put forward its ideas about social security. Their programme was radical to say the least. In a nutshell, their proposal is to delegate the provision of welfare to organisations such as churches, iwi and other non-government organisations.  

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New Zealand Perspectives 2009

New Zealand Perspectives 2009 (written January 2009) should be read in conjunction with last years perspectives (New Zealand Perspectives 2008) as they are a continuation from them. In addition these perspectives should be read in conjunction with World Perspectives 2008 and associated material from the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) and Socialist Appeal NZ. 

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Successful Hands Off Venezeula meeting in Wellington

On the evening on Saturday, December 5, John Peterson, National Secretary of the U.S. Hands Off Venezuela Campaign, presented the film "No Volveran" in Wellington, New Zealand. Some 30 people came out to see the film and speaker at the Newtown Community Centre. The event was organised by the Zapatista Support Committee, in collaboration with […]

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General Election:Socialist Policies Needed

Prime Minister Helen Clark has called the general election for November 8thhoping to win a fourth term . The general election date was of no real surprise as it was the much predicted date being the penultimate date with which the government could go to the country . The problem for the Labour Party is […]

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The Scandal that is NZ Telecom

Privatisation, the embrace of the free market and the New Right idealogy in New Zealand. These were the policies of sucessive New Zealand governments during the 1980's and 1990's. First under Labour's "Rogernomics", and later continued under National. Telecom was one of many of New Zealand's important assets which were privatised in this era and […]

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1929: Can it happen again?

This article was originally written on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the 1929 Wall Street Crash. It was not intended purely as a commemorative or historical piece. It was written because, to Marxists, all the signs were then apparent that another stock price ‘correction’ was in preparation. In 1998 Long Term Capital Management […]

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Nationalise Auckland Airport

Finance Minister Michael Cullen announcement that the Labour coalition government was immediately tightening the country's overseas investment rules with regard to stopping strategic assets falling into foreign ownership was an initial setback to the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) in its attempt to take over Auckland Airport: the country's international gateway.

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100% Pure New Zealand — Or is it?

A damning 450 page government endorsed report released about the state of the environment in New Zealand, unveils shocking details about environmental degradation. It fully exposed the farce of "100% Pure" New Zealand, which this country has been trying to present to the world. The report mentions that a fifth of all ground water is […]

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New Zealand Perspectives

These perspectives constitute an analysis of the deepening social, political and economic crises of New Zealand capitalism. Such perspectives applies the method of Marxism to these developments, seeking to uncover the trends and processes within and serve as a guide to action for all workers and youth who want to struggle for the socialist transformation […]

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Auckland Docks Strike

Earlier this month there was a very militant 48-hour strike of the New Zealand dockworkers over pay and conditions. As usual, the bosses, while getting fat salaries themselves, claim the dockworkers are already well paid!

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A Defence of Materialism – A Summary

By Jack Sparrow Joseph Dietzgen once said that official philosophy was not a science, but a safeguard against socialism. Indeed, ever since Marxism emerged as a significant force, not only are Marx and Engels personae non grata in the hallowed halls of the philosophy departments, but Hegel is subjected to a quite shameful conspiracy of […]

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Introduction to Marxist Economics

By Rufus Tyler The central tenet of Marxist economics is the labour theory of value. Economics was first studied seriously in the 1600s. At this time, mercantilism was the main school of thought. Mercantilism is essentially protectionist, the idea is that wealth and value are created by a trade surplus. Buying and selling was seen […]

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