13 March 2025

Pakistan Steel – Once Again Workers Make A Stand

Steel is the biggest industrial steel company in Pakistan which plays
a vital role in the country’s economy. The rulers are trying to
hijack this worker’s institution but workers are fighting back in a
militant way.

large number of workers have been working in the steel mill on daily
wages and on contracts for the last 20 years. These workers are
working in brutal conditions on meagre wages, especially in the
department where iron is being melted and the temperature is around
1700 degrees centigrade.

seems like the blood of the workers is being dried-up while working
in these conditions. These workers are also working in other
departments where their health is even more at risk. These daily
waged employees have to perform tough duties like welding, fitting,
gas cutting, machining, etc.

former Chairman of the steel mill once admitted that workers on daily
wages and contracts contribute up to 70% of production. Despite all
this hard work these workers are deprived of all the basic
necessities of life. They are not getting the minimum wage, i.e. Rs.
6000, as proposed by the Prime Minister – while addressing the
assembly – and for the first time promised to regularise all the
daily waged and contract workers. The Prime Minister, further, has
made several promises to regularise the contract workers up to
December, 2008.

the People’s Workers’ Union, CBA at the steel mills meeting on
May 4
2009, another attempt was made to deceive the workers.

the union leadership informed the workers that they will be
“regularised” up to June 23
2009 but all these promises were not fulfilled. The CBA union at the
steel mill is not fulfilling workers’ demands.

1000 workers held a procession on October 17th 2009 in
front of the Karachi Press Club.

members were standing by the workers on this occasion. A press
conference was also arranged after the procession. The CBA union
leadership, on the dictates of the Administration of the Steel Mill
tried to stop this procession but the workers determination won

CBA union, desperately, arranged a picnic trip to ‘Thatha’ for
press reporters. Six vehicles belonging to the mill and hundreds of
thousands of rupees were spent on this trip so that the workers’
protest would not become a part of the news. But the workers didn’t
give up and continued their protest.

the second phase another procession was held at ‘Gadhi Khuda
Bakhsh’ on October 25th 2009. Abdul Ghafar Baghio,
Comrade Zahoor Mamon, Shahid Basheer and Zubair Bhatti, all from the
Daily Wages and Contract Workers’ Union were leading the
procession. The leaders clearly announced that they would not let the
management deceive the workers again and if their demands are not
fulfilled they would shut the steel mill down in the next phase of