19 September 2024
New Zealand

Socialist Appeal Magazine – Issue #3 – Out Now

Order your copy of Socialist Appeal now.  Issue #3 is available over the autumn months.



 Socialist Appeal – Issue 3 – contents


  • Editorial: No to Hikes in GST
  • Euro Crises Confirms Marxist Perspectives
  • CTU AES- Socialism is the Answer
  • Parliamentary Cleaners Take Action
  • MUNZ fights Outsourcing
  • Us & Them
  • Marxist Education.
  • Class War Steps Up

Subscription Rates (inc postage)
New Zealand: $3 per issue or $12 for 1 year’s subscription
Australia / Pacific Islands: $18 for 1 year’s subscription
Rest of the World: $20 for 1 year’s subscription
To place order:
Send order details with cheque made payable to ‘Wellred Book Club’ to
Socialist Appeal

PO Box 417
