13 March 2025
New Zealand

Successful Hands Off Venezeula meeting in Wellington

On the evening on Saturday, December 5, John Peterson, National Secretary of the
U.S. Hands Off Venezuela Campaign, presented the film "No Volveran" in
Wellington, New Zealand. Some 30 people came out to see the film and speaker at
the Newtown Community Centre. The event was organised by the Zapatista Support
Committee, in collaboration with Hands Off Venezuela and Socialist Appeal (NZ).

John provided a brief background introduction to put the film in
context, and after the film, answered several questions from the audience.
Several in the audience were visibly moved by the film. A representative of the
Cuban government in New Zealand came to the event and congratulated John on the
presentation and film, saying he had "learned a lot". Another person in
attendance said afterward that the event had "put fire in his belly". As the
world economic crisis begins to affect every corner of the planet, inculding New
Zealand, the revolution in Venezuela takes on even greater importance. Contact
us to help build Hands Off Venezuela in New Zealand.