Searching “socialism”
Americans are searching for the meaning of socialism. In a year
marked by the beginning of the economic crisis in the US, the online
edition of the Merrian-Webster dictionary announced that the Word of
the Year 2008 was … bailout.
Many of the other words in the list of the ten with the "the
highest intensity of lookups on Merriam-Webster Online over the
shortest period of time" were related either to the economic
crisis and the uncertainty this generates (turmoil,
precipice, rogue)
and the US presidential election (maverick,
number three in the list came the word socialism.
Merrian-Webster Online claims traffic to their site "now exceeds
125 million individual page views per month", so that means many
millions of US citizens are searching for the meaning of socialism.
Surely a sign of the times!
London city trader who got a£1.32m City bonus on top of his
£300,000 salary is suing his employer because he wants more.
dealer Mouradian split the total pot of £1.43m in bonuses among
his team, awarding just 92% to himself. He is claiming an extra
£92,000 from the firm.
Roger’s Jollies
the MPs expenses scandal in the UK the government here has decided to
release MPs expenses claim.
Roger Douglas was paid by the taxpayer 90% of the costs of the
airfare to holiday in the UK so that he could visit family.
Obviously, Sir Roger believes in generous government welfare for
himself and no one else!