The Battle of Tahrir Square

Written by Alan Woods Thursday, 03 February 2011 “The sky was filled with rocks. The fighting around me was so terrible we could smell the blood.” With these words Robert Fisk describes the dramatic events in Tahrir Square, where the forces of the Revolution met the counter-revolution head-on. All day and all through the night, […]

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Egypt: A Pharaoh’s Nemesis

Written by Lal Khan Thursday, 03 February 2011 One of the salient features of a revolution is that the masses conquer the fear of the state and repression. This has been graphically demonstrated on the streets of Egypt. At the same time the surge of a mass upheaval breaks the taboos in the psychology of […]

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Egypt on the brink of civil war

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 02 February 2011 The revolution in Egypt is reaching a critical point. The old state power is collapsing under the hammer blows of the masses. But revolution is a struggle of living forces. The old regime does not intend to surrender without a fight. The counter-revolutionary forces are going onto […]

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Egypt: the moment of truth

Written by Alan Woods Tuesday, 1st February 2011 The Great Pyramid of Giza has lasted for 3,800 years. Hosni Mubarak has lasted somewhat less, but he would like to survive for a little longer. The difference between his regime and the Pyramid of Khufu is that it is an inverted pyramid. All its strength is […]

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