19 September 2024
New Zealand

Socialist Appeal Magazine – Issue #2- Out Now !

Order your copy of Socialist Appeal now.  Issue #2 is available over the summer months.

Socialist Appeal – issue 2 – contents
  • No to ACC Privatisation
  • Labour Goes Back to Core Values
  • Pakistan Steel
  • Austerity Britain
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall: 20 Years Later
  • DWU Win Union Recognition
  • CTU 10th Biennial Conference Report
  • Miners Strike Intensifies
  • Kick the Nats Out in 2010!       
Subscription Rates (inc postage)
New Zealand: $3 per issue or $12 for 1 year’s subscription
Australia / Pacific Islands: $18 for 1 year’s subscription
Rest of the World: $20 for 1 year’s subscription
To place order:
Send order details with cheque made payable to ‘Wellred Book Club’ to
Socialist Appeal

PO Box 417


or order via ‘contact us’ page and internet banking to Kiwibank 38 9007 0527121 00
Socialist Appeal is not backed by big business and is
funded entirely on money received from the labour movement.  We need to
raise the necessary resources so that the ideas of Marxism are built
inside the labour movement.  In order to achieve this we need your
help.  Please support Socialist Appeal by either getting involved,
subscribing and or donating to Socialist Appeal.
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