How capitalism developed in Taiwan and South Korea – any parallels with China today? Part One

The crisis that has shaken the world economy since 2008 has pushed bourgeois ideologists to desperately seek a solution. They are looking for alternative ways of running their system, seeking to square the circle and maintain capitalism without its inevitable contradictions. As Asia, and China in particular, is doing so well, there is a burgeoning […]

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Another day, another crisis

Events are moving at lightening speed. Stock markets are in freefall around the world. Some days bring temporary relief only to be followed by greater convulsions. The whole situation is reminiscent of 2008, or more correctly the 1930s

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Defend Kiwirail Jobs

Kiwirail bosses decision to make 70 workers redundant from a workforce of 172 at its Dunedin and Lower Hutt workshops brings into question the state owned enterprise (SOE) model for nationlised industries that allows the market to dictate it business decisions.

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Budget Protest

May 19th, 2011, was a day of protest against the planned cuts that were expected to be announced in the Budget that afternoon. It had been organised by the Council of Trade Unions and the Labour Party.

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Labour Party Conference 2011

The 2011 Labour Party Conference was held in Wellington from May 21st to 23rd, 2011. The primary reason behind this year’s conference was to whip the delegates and the various candidates into line for the 2011 elections due to be held in late November this year.

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