The Fall of the Berlin Wall: 20 Years Later

Twenty years ago as the Berlin Wall came tumbling down the bourgeoisie in the west was euphoric, rejoicing at the “fall of communism”. Twenty years later things look very different as capitalism has entered its most severe crisis since 1929. Now a majority in former East Germany votes for the left and harks back to […]

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Austerity Britain

Internationally, capitalism is emerging from its worst crisis since the 1930s. There is palpable relief in the ranks of the ruling class at avoiding a financial meltdown. However, despite heated talk of green shoots, there is a universal gloom about the current situation.

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Them & Us

Americans Searching “socialism”   Literally, Americans are searching for the meaning of socialism. In a year marked by the beginning of the economic crisis in the US, the online edition of the Merrian-Webster dictionary announced that the Word of the Year 2008 was … bailout. Many of the other words in the list of the […]

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Ideologies of Abstinence

With the National Government debating the merits of the “Emission Trading Scheme”, we reproduce an extract by Mauro Vanetti’s in which petit-bourgeois environmentalism is exposed as an non-viable response to global warming – green "ideologies of abstinence" simply play in to the hands of the ruling class. What is required is a genuine Marxist programme […]

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