From Social Security to Charity

On July 20th, 2009, the Business Roundtable put forward its ideas about social security. Their programme was radical to say the least. In a nutshell, their proposal is to delegate the provision of welfare to organisations such as churches, iwi and other non-government organisations.  

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New Zealand Perspectives 2009

New Zealand Perspectives 2009 (written January 2009) should be read in conjunction with last years perspectives (New Zealand Perspectives 2008) as they are a continuation from them. In addition these perspectives should be read in conjunction with World Perspectives 2008 and associated material from the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) and Socialist Appeal NZ. 

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Successful Hands Off Venezeula meeting in Wellington

On the evening on Saturday, December 5, John Peterson, National Secretary of the U.S. Hands Off Venezuela Campaign, presented the film "No Volveran" in Wellington, New Zealand. Some 30 people came out to see the film and speaker at the Newtown Community Centre. The event was organised by the Zapatista Support Committee, in collaboration with […]

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General Election:Socialist Policies Needed

Prime Minister Helen Clark has called the general election for November 8thhoping to win a fourth term . The general election date was of no real surprise as it was the much predicted date being the penultimate date with which the government could go to the country . The problem for the Labour Party is […]

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