The Scandal that is NZ Telecom

Privatisation, the embrace of the free market and the New Right idealogy in New Zealand. These were the policies of sucessive New Zealand governments during the 1980's and 1990's. First under Labour's "Rogernomics", and later continued under National. Telecom was one of many of New Zealand's important assets which were privatised in this era and […]

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1929: Can it happen again?

This article was originally written on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the 1929 Wall Street Crash. It was not intended purely as a commemorative or historical piece. It was written because, to Marxists, all the signs were then apparent that another stock price ‘correction’ was in preparation. In 1998 Long Term Capital Management […]

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Nationalise Auckland Airport

Finance Minister Michael Cullen announcement that the Labour coalition government was immediately tightening the country's overseas investment rules with regard to stopping strategic assets falling into foreign ownership was an initial setback to the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) in its attempt to take over Auckland Airport: the country's international gateway.

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100% Pure New Zealand — Or is it?

A damning 450 page government endorsed report released about the state of the environment in New Zealand, unveils shocking details about environmental degradation. It fully exposed the farce of "100% Pure" New Zealand, which this country has been trying to present to the world. The report mentions that a fifth of all ground water is […]

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New Zealand Perspectives

These perspectives constitute an analysis of the deepening social, political and economic crises of New Zealand capitalism. Such perspectives applies the method of Marxism to these developments, seeking to uncover the trends and processes within and serve as a guide to action for all workers and youth who want to struggle for the socialist transformation […]

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Auckland Docks Strike

Earlier this month there was a very militant 48-hour strike of the New Zealand dockworkers over pay and conditions. As usual, the bosses, while getting fat salaries themselves, claim the dockworkers are already well paid!

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