Coronavirus outbreak threatens world economy

  The latest outbreak of coronavirus has caused the biggest wave of stock market losses since 2008, wiping $5tn off share values worldwide. Markets are worried that the virus will have a serious impact on an already weak world economy. These fears are not unfounded. The new coronavirus epidemic is having important implications for the […]

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Britain after the election defeat

“The idea that all Britain’s Labour party needs to do to win is offer true socialism has been tested to destruction.” (Financial Times)  News of the British election result was greeted by jubilation on the stock markets of the world. The pound sterling soared, and Donald J Trump tweeted: “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his […]

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Marxism vs Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

  MMT has created a buzz on the left recently, with its supporters citing it as an answer to all our economic woes. Instead of trendy new ideas, however, we need the clear, scientific analysis of capitalism that Marxism provides – Adam Booth writes.   “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from […]

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On Marxism and the State

With the increase in strikes in New Zealand we republish this article on the State by the late Phil Mitchinson.   Standing between the working class and the socialist transformation of society is a colossal state machine. Where did it come from? What purpose does it serve? can it be reformed, or must it be […]

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